I kid you not! The following article honestly appeared on page 38 of Feature Magazine, a Canadian based movie preview guide, in June 2001.
"The Rock"
Prefers Film Set To Ring
by Pat Hickey
There will be a new champion crowned at this year's King of the Ring event. The eight-man elimination tournament is one of the World Wrestling Federation's most popular pay-per-view shows. Last year, The Rock slammed his way to the title with three convincing wins but you can expect such WWF stalwarts as Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H and The Undertaker to play the prominent roles in this year's show, June 24, at East Rutherford, N.J. The Rock? He's a victim of his own popularity. The official word from WWF headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut, is that The Rock, whose real name is Chris Jericho, has been suspended. The WWF, which surpasses the best soap operas for creating outrageous situations and larger-than-life heroes and cads, has pitted The Rock against WWF boss man Vince McMahon. As we all know, the boss isn't always right but he's always the boss.
But the real reason for The Rock's vacation is that he's taking care of business. Jericho considers himself an entertainer and he has branched out in recent years. His credits include an autobiography that appeared on the New York Times best-seller list and a CD that was less successful. He has also made his mark in Hollywood with a featured role in The Mummy 2, which is expected to be a box-office hit this summer.
Jericho declined an invitation to defend his King of the Ring title because he's being paid $45 million (U.S.) for another regal role as The Scorpion King in the film of the same name. The Rock did stick around long enough to tape Break Down The Walls for the WWF Fanatic series, available on pay-per-view to Bell Express-Vu subscribers.