Limits HP: 77 Any moves you connect with have a chance of doing up to +5 and as low as -5 to damage to both you and your opponent. |
No Holds Barred
Very Rare Zeus Trademark Draw a random Illegal move. Nobody in the match recieves any Warnings. COST: 0 |
Double Overhead Chop Rare Strike Impact, Trademark Zeus Trademark Counters Strength moves that are in close. Your opponent is stunned. COST: 6 |
Ring Post Drop
Very Rare Zeus Finisher Play only if your opponent is on the mat. When this move is played, Bounce of the Ropes and High Risk moves can no longer be played. If this move connects, you recieve 20 Warnings. COST: 17 |
Zeus, No Holds Barred, Double Overhead Chop and Ring Post Drop were added October 14, 2002.