
Very Rare
Entrance, Support, Trademark

Slick's Stable Trademark

Draw a Heel page. This can only be played if Slick is not in play.

Any member of Slick's Stable draws a page at the start of every fourth round. (4, 8, 12, etc.)


The Doctor Of Style

Action, Trademark

Slick's Stable Trademark

This can only be played if Slick is in play, and your opponent is playing a mad rush move. The move is countered, and your opponent is put on the mat and recieves 4 Leg Damage. You recieve 2 Warnings.



= 0
= 1
= 0

HP: 75

Member of Slick's Stable

Your Impact moves do +1 damage for every move you ditch before playing them that turn.

Murderous Clothesline

Very Rare
Impact, Takedown, Finisher

Warlord Finisher

Counters mad rush moves. Counts as Clothesline.

This move does +1 damage for every Special you ditch before playng it. If you have Knowledge, your opponent is Stunned.

COST: 14
DMG: 13
mad rush

One Man Gang

= 0
= 1
= 0

HP: 75

Member of Slick's Stable

The first 3 times you play a Heel page, draw a Support page.


Very Rare
Impact, Takedown, Finisher

One Man Gang Finisher

Counters in close moves.

For every Support page you have in play, this move does +5 damage.

COST: 15
DMG: 15
in close


= 0
= 0
= 0

HP: 75

Member of Slick's Stable

If your opponent has Knowledge, draw a page when you connect with a move. Otherwise, gain 1 Attitude when you connect with a move.

Ugandan Splash

Very Rare
Impact, Drop, Pin, Finisher

Kamala Finisher

Play only if your opponent is on the mat.

If your opponent has no Knowledge, this move can't be countered. Otherwise, this move does +2 for every Knowledge your opponent has, and your opponent loses 1 Knowledge.

You attempt a pin. If the pin fails, you remain in control.

COST: 14
DMG: 14
hit or miss

Slick, The Doctor Of Style, Warlord, Murderous Clothesline, One Man Gang, 747, Kamala and Ugandan Splash were added October 21, 2002.