Koko B. Ware
Limits HP: 64 Every time you lose an Attitude, you ditch a page. Every time you gain an Attitude, you draw a page. |
Very Rare Koko B. Ware Trademark Every time your opponent hits you with a Strength move, you draw a page. COST: 0 |
Rare Koko B. Ware Trademark Draw a page. This can only be played if Frankie is not in play. Special: Gain 1 Attitude. If your opponent plays this special, you move to ringside. This can only be used when you are in control in the ring. COST: 7 |
Very Rare Koko B. Ware Finisher Counters head down moves. If played with Crowd Support, this move can't be countered. This move does +1 damage for every Attitude you have more than your opponent. COST: 15 |
Koko B. Ware, Piledriver, Frankie and Ghostbuster were added October 21, 2002.