February 3, 2005
Event Report for SmackDown!
Announcers: Joey Styles and Ivory
Reported by The Dames
Johnny Stamboli is in the ring, and he has a short celebration ceremony after his recent success.
Overall Rating 80%
The Establishment have come to the ring, led by Johnny Stamboli. He takes the microphone and announces that there are two new members of the group, and introduces The Dudley Boyz, who come down the aisle. They climb in and join their new partners, cementing the new alliance.
Overall Rating 68%
Billy Reil and Brian XL vs Team Mattitude II.
Match Background: This is the first Match in the Tournament for the World Cruiserweight title.
Late In The Match: Billy Reil gets knocked to the ground by London, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, London Calling! 1....2....3.
Overall Rating 69%
Crowd reaction 58%
Match Quality 81%
Torrie Wilson is backstage with Tajiri. Torrie Wilson talked trash about AJ Styles, continuing the feud with Tajiri. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will always help build up a rivalry. Well, I guess sticks and stones would as well, but you know what I mean.
Overall Rating 83%
Super Crazy vs AJ Styles.
Match Background: This match is for the WWE Cruiserweight title. AJ Styles has been WWE Cruiserweight champion since 25 December 2004.
Late In The Match: Super Crazy slugs AJ Styles, sending him down into the corner. While Crazy fires up the crowd, Styles is removing the turnbuckle pad! Super Crazy comes over...but Styles grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Super Crazy face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! AJ Styles rolls up the stunned Super Crazy, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3! What a display of cheating from AJ Styles.
Winner and still WWE Cruiserweight champion: AJ Styles
Overall Rating 85%
Crowd reaction 70%
Match Quality 100%
The 3 members of The Honor Society are backstage. Eddie Guerrero was the person in question, as they threatened him like he stole their lunch money. Twice.
Overall Rating 93%
World's Greatest Tag Team are in the ring. The Dudley Boyz come out of the crowd and attack, and beat them down. They bring two tables into the ring. First, Haas gets put through one via an irish whip into an upright table in the corner. Shelton Benjamin then gets spike-powerbombed through the second table, turning it to splinters. The Dudley Boyz leave, having gained a big advantage.
Overall Rating 75%
Eddie Guerrero is backstage. He was building up the feud with Kurt Angle. Well, that's just...neat!
Overall Rating 81%
Eddie Guerrero vs The Honor Society II.
Match Background: This will be a 2 on 1 handicap bout. Eddie has been feuding with Kurt Angle recently, who is a stable mate of Benoit in The Honor Society.
Late In The Match: Eddie Guerrero floors Chavo Guerrero...and climbs the turnbuckles. Frog Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.
Overall Rating 77%
Crowd reaction 77%
Match Quality 78%
Kurt Angle is backstage. I'm actually looking forward to this and you should too! He was out there to tell Eddie Guerrero that he was going to discombobulate him. Great, now I've got to look that word up. Time to sit back and watch.
Overall Rating 89%
The Hurricane vs Kurt Angle.
Match Background: This match is for the WWE Heavyweight title. Kurt Angle has been WWE Heavyweight champion since 30 December 2004.
Late In The Match: Kurt Angle moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Angle Slam. 1....2...3, it's finished.
Winner and Still WWE Heavyweight champion: Kurt Angle
Overall Rating 80%
Crowd reaction 85%
Match Quality 71%
Overall Rating 80%
We got a 5.91 rating for 'SmackDown!'!
The attendance level was 10012 people.
We made $400480 from ticket sales.
February 5, 2005
Event Report for Velocity!
Announcers: Michael Cole and DDP
Reported by The Dames
Shannon Moore vs The Amazing Red.
Late In The Match: The Amazing Red moves in for the kill. Code Red! 1....2....3.
Overall Rating 75%
Crowd reaction 65%
Match Quality 86%
A video is played, hyping The Honor Society, featuring Kurt Angle in particular.
Overall Rating 90%
Scotty 2 Hotty vs Nunzio.
Late In The Match: Scotty 2 Hotty is in trouble. Arriverderci! 1....2....3.
Overall Rating 83%
Crowd reaction 70%
Match Quality 67%
Tajiri vs Johnny Stamboli.
Match Background: Tajiri has been feuding with AJ Styles recently, who is a stable mate of The Bull in The Establishment. This match is for the WWE United States title. Johnny Stamboli has been WWE United States champion since 30 January 2005.
Late In The Match: AJ Styles comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Tajiri turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Styles! AJ Styles has left Tajiri in big trouble. Tajiri can barely stand. Fuhgettaboutit! 1....2....3. The Bull and Styles are beating the hell out of Tajiri! John Cena sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with Johnny Stamboli, exchanging punches, while Tajiri comes back, sending Styles out of the ring with a clothesline. Cena \ Tajiri have cleared the ring, driving off The Bull and Styles!
Winner and WWE United States champion: Johnny Stamboli
Overall Rating 82%
Crowd reaction 79%
Match Quality 86%
A video is played, hyping the AJ Styles vs Tajiri feud.
Overall Rating 69%
Psychosis vs AJ Styles.
Match Background: This match is for the WWE Cruiserweight title. AJ Styles has been WWE Cruiserweight champion since 25 December 2004.
Late In The Match: AJ Styles has Psychosis down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, Spiral Tap! 1....2....3.
Winner and Still WWE Cruiserweight champion: AJ Styles
Overall Rating 82%
Crowd reaction 76%
Match Quality 88%
A video is played, hyping the World's Greatest Tag Team vs The Dudley Boyz feud.
Overall Rating 71%
A video is played, hyping the Johnny Stamboli vs John Cena feud.
Overall Rating 82%
Akio and Kid Kash vs World's Greatest Tag Team.
Match Background: World's Greatest Tag Team are the reigning WWE Tag Team champions, and have been since 30 January 2005.
Late In The Match: Akio is all alone...Super Kick/German Suplex!! 1....2....3!
Overall Rating 88%
Crowd reaction 85%
Match Quality 91%
A video is played, hyping the Eddie Guerrero vs Kurt Angle feud.
Overall Rating 91%
Chavo Guerrero vs The Hurricane.
Late In The Match: Chris Benoit comes running down the aisle and into the ring! The Hurricane turns around. Chris Benoit drops Hurricane to the canvas. Chris Benoit quickly locks on the Crippler Crossface! Benoit leaves the ring, the damage done! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. Chavo Guerrero pins Hurricane. Chavo and Benoit are putting the boots to The Hurricane! Nova comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending The Honor Society II running for cover. Nova saved Hurricane from a major beating.
Overall Rating 85%
Crowd reaction 79%
Match Quality 92%
Overall Rating 80%
We got a 5.80 rating for 'Velocity'!
The attendance level was 10035 people.
We made $401400 from ticket sales