May 9, 2005
Event Report for RAW
Announcers: Jerry Lawler and Steven Richards
Reported by The Dames

Carlito Caribbean Cool vs Jesse James. 

Late In The Match: Carlito Caribbean Cool can barely stand. Dogg Pound!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Carlito quickly rolls out of the ring. Jesse James rolls out and extends his hand to Carlito...but Carlito spits a chewed up apple in the face of Road Dogg, then a sucker punch knocks James down! 

Overall Rating: 79%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: 81%

Must See TV vs Goldust, Rico, and Steve Blackman. 

Late In The Match: Rene Dupree comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Goldust turns around. Rene Dupree spins Goldust around. Rene Dupree hits the Death Valley Driver! Dupree leaves the ring, the damage done! ONE...TWO...THREE. Whipwreck defeats Goldust. 

Overall Rating: 74%
Crowd Reaction: 74%
Match Quality: 75%

Jaime Koeppe is backstage with Muhammed Hassan. Jaime Koeppe was on hype duty tonight, this time for a match on Heat between Muhammed Hassan and Kenzo Suzuki. I hope it's good...

Overall Rating: 82%

A-Train vs Big Show. 

Late In The Match: Show scores with a forearm, sending A-Train down into the corner. The referee pulls Big Show away to get the break. Wait! A-Train has pulled something out of his tights. Big Show walks over...and gets floored by a punch! No, the referee saw the brass knuckles! We have DQ decision! I don't think the fight has finished. A-Train and Show have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. 

Overall Rating: 85%
Crowd Reaction: 82%
Match Quality: 89%

Chris Kanyon vs William Regal. 

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWE Hardcore title. Chris Kanyon has been WWE Hardcore champion since 24 April 2005. 

Late In The Match: Face jam onto the table. Chris Kanyon is in trouble. Power Of The Punch! 1....2....3. William Regal is still in the ring celebrating. Chris Kanyon pushes the referee away. Chris Kanyon spins Regal around. Chris Kanyon hits the Flatliner! 

Winner and new WWE Hardcore Champion: William Regal

Overall Rating: 84%
Crowd Reaction: 74%
Match Quality: 94%

A video is played, hyping the upcoming debut of Ron Killings. 

Overall Rating: 81%

John Bradshaw Layfield vs Scott Hall. 

Late In The Match: Christopher Nowinski comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Clothesline...but Hall ducks! John Bradshaw Layfield gets hit! Scott Hall knocks Nowinski out of the ring. Scott Hall moves in for the kill. Outsider's Edge!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Christopher Nowinski remains in the ring. John Bradshaw Layfield pushes the referee away. John Bradshaw Layfield spins Nowinski around. John Bradshaw Layfield hits the Clothesline From Hell on his former partner! 

Overall Rating: 90%
Crowd Reaction: 91%
Match Quality: 89%

Physical Perfection vs Living Legends vs Kurt Angle and Mark Henry. 

Match Background: This will be an elimination bout. This match is for the WWE Tag Team titles. Physical Perfection have been WWE Tag Team champions since 27 April 2005. 

During The Match: Spear! Bad Ass is down! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. John Cena pins Bad Ass. Randy Orton hits a stalling suplex on Angle. Orton tags out to John Cena. John Cena moves in for the kill. Here it comes - F-U. 1....2...3, it's finished. 

Winners and new WWE Tag Team Champions: Living Legends

Overall Rating: 77%
Crowd Reaction: 81%
Match Quality: 68%

Vince McMahon is backstage, and announces that at the next show we will see Rhyno and Test fight one on one in a Steel Cage to end it all. 

Overall Rating: 79%

Rob Van Dam vs Shawn Michaels. 

Match Background: This will be a special guest referee bout. Trish Stratus will be the referee for this match. Rob Van Dam is the reigning WWE Intercontinental champion, and has been since 04 May 2005. This is a quarterfinal match in the King of the Ring tournament.

Late In The Match: Christian comes running down the aisle with a chair! RVD goes to irish whip Shawn Michaels into the ropes. Christian prepares to swing the chair...but Shawn Michaels reverses! Christian accidentally smacks RVD with a chair to the back! Shawn Michaels moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Sweet Chin Music. 1....2...3, it's finished. RVD and Christian put the boots to Shawn Michaels, stomping away on him. 

Overall Rating: 75%
Crowd Reaction: 79%
Match Quality: 66%

Johnny Stamboli vs Triple H. 

Late In The Match: Scott Steiner runs down the aisle and into the ring, carrying a chair! HHH turns...and gets floored with a chair to the head! The referee has no choice but to call for the bell! Disqualification! The Bull and Steiner put the boots to Triple H, stomping away on him. This must have been a setup since last week!

Overall Rating: 75%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: 69%

RAW Overall Rating: 79%
We got a 5.56 rating for 'RAW'!
The attendance level was 10006 people.
We made $400240 from ticket sales.

May 11, 2005
Event Report for HeAT
Announcers: Jonathan Coachman and Chris Jericho
Reported by The Dames

Kenzo Suzuki vs Muhammed Hassan. 

Late In The Match: Jaime Koeppe is at ringside! Suzuki wastes valuable time by yelling at Koeppe! Muhammed Hassan takes advantage of the distraction and nails Suzuki from behind! Kenzo Suzuki can barely stand. Sunset Flip!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Muhammed Hassan and Jaime Koeppe try to beat down Kenzo Suzuki, but end up getting run out of the ring by a furious Kenzo Suzuki. They leave quickly before they end up taking any more punishment. 

Overall Rating: 73%
Crowd Reaction: 51%
Match Quality: 96%

Carlito Caribbean Cool vs Chris Kanyon vs William Regal. 

Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the WWE Hardcore title. William Regal has been WWE Hardcore champion since 09 May 2005. 

During The Match: Carlito gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. William Regal throws Kanyon into a shopping trolley. William Regal tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Carlito goes to the eyes! Carlito Caribbean Cool quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! William Regal collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! William Regal got screwed! 

Winner and new WWE Hardcore Champion: Carlito Caribbean Cool

Overall Rating: 80%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: 82%

Dissident Movement are in the ring, and issue a challenge to any team to take them on next week. Out from the back come Knights Of The Round, who hit the ring and kick off a brawl. Whipwreck and Diamond get driven from the ring. They disappear to the back as Knights Of The Round remain in the ring, staring them down. 

Overall Rating: 68%

Mark Henry vs Scott Hall. 

Late In The Match: A-Train comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Scott Hall turns around. A-Train spins Hall around. A-Train hits the Derailer! A-Train leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Mark Henry, Hall got pinned. A-Train isn't finished with his attack yet! Scott Hall stands up...and walks into a boot to the gut from A-Train. Derailer!!! Scott Hall has been put down on the canvas! A-Train shakes his head and raises three fingers instead. Hall gets picked up...and hit with another Derailer! Scott Hall is spread-eagled on the canvas. A-Train again raises three fingers. Referees hit the ring, but are too scared to get too close. They can't stop this carnage...Derailer, the third one in a row! A-Train eventually leaves the ring, as medics come to attend to Hall, who isn't moving. 

Overall Rating: 82%
Crowd Reaction: 80%
Match Quality: 84%

Rob Van Dam vs Val Venis. 

Match Background: This match is for the WWE Intercontinental title. Rob Van Dam has been WWE Intercontinental champion since 04 May 2005. 

Late In The Match: Val Venis grabs Rob Van Dam from behind and shoves him into the ropes, then scores with a roll-up...but RVD rolls through with the move! He is using the tights for leverage! 1....2...3! The referee didn't see it! Val Venis offers a handshake to RVD...and he accepts it! No! Rob Van Dam levels Val with a cheap shot right hand! Rob Van Dam slams Val down. Rob Van Dam climbs to the top rope and hits the Five Star Frog Splash! Val Venis has been floored after the match. 

Overall Rating: 67%
Crowd Reaction: 60%
Match Quality: 75%

La Resistance are in the ring. Shattered Dreams come out onto the sound stage, and issue a challenge for a match at the next show. La Resistance accept, and the two teams trade insults for a while before leaving. 

Overall Rating: 79%

Big Show vs John Bradshaw Layfield. 

Match Background: The winner of this match will face RVD for the Intercontinental title next week.

Late In The Match: John Bradshaw Layfield can barely stand. Here it comes - Show Stopper. 1....2...3, it's finished. Big Show extends his hand to JBL...and it is accepted! They shake! 

Overall Rating: 83%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: 89%

Christian vs John Cena. 

Match Background: This will be a special guest referee bout. Kurt Angle will be the referee for this match. This is a quarterfinal match of the King of the Ring Tournament.

Late In The Match: John Cena turns around...and gets punched in the face by Kurt Angle! He staggers back, straight into a roll up by Christian: 1...2...3! Shawn Michaels comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Shawn Michaels spins Christian around. Shawn Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music! Christian has been left down on the canvas. 

Overall Rating: 81%
Crowd Reaction: 84%
Match Quality: 75%

Jesse James is in the ring, cutting an interview. The lights go out, and a new entrance video plays. The lights come back on, and the debuting Ron Killings is standing on the sound stage, holding a microphone. He gives a speech about what he is going to do. Jesse James cuts back in, unhappy about his interview being interupted. They descend into insults, threats, and challenges. Ron Killings gets the last word, promising that he is here to make an impact, and then leaves. 

Overall Rating: 88%

Johnny Stamboli vs Triple H. 

Late In The Match: Triple H moves in for the kill. Pedigree!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! Scott Steiner comes running down the aisle with a chair! Triple H is just about to leave the ring...and only just manages to duck in time to avoid Steiner hitting a brutal chair shot! Triple H knocks the chair away. Triple H spins Steiner around. Triple H hits the Pedigree! Scott Steiner tried an ambush, but it has backfired. 

Overall Rating: 75%
Crowd Reaction: 78%
Match Quality: 69%

Rhyno vs Test. 

Match Background: This will be a cage bout. Rhyno and Test have been feuding for quite some time now. 

During The Match: Rhyno throws Test into the cage. Rhyno climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Test! Test throws Rhyno into the cage. Test climbs the cage, but gets pulled down by Rhyno! Rhyno and Test climb the cage....but both end up crashing back to the canvas after a struggle! Rhyno moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Gore. Test climbs the cage...but gets pulled off by Rhyno, who then climbs up and over! We have a winner! Test offers a handshake to Rhyno...and he accepts it! No! Rhyno levels Test with a cheap shot right hand! Rhyno spins Test around. Rhyno hits the Gore! Test has been floored after the match. 

Overall Rating: 82%
Crowd Reaction: 83%
Match Quality: 81%

HEAT Overall Rating: 76%
We got a 5.98 rating for 'HEAT'!
The attendance level was 10031 people.
We made $401240 from ticket sales.