Event #6: This Evening In Dildo
Arena: ECW One Night Stand
Brand: Joint Hosting

Smoking Skull Championship
Triple Threat
[D] Steve Austin* over [I] Triple H, [C] Undertaker

World Tag Team Championship
Hell In A Cell: Tornado Tag
[I] Big Show* & [D] Kane* over [C] Mankind & [C] The Rock

Intercontinental Championship
Battle Royal: 5-Man
[I] Chris Masters* over [C] Jeff Hardy, [D] Carlito*, [C] Shelton Benjamin, [C] Ric Flair

6-Man Tag: Normal 6-Man Tag
[I] Goldberg, [D] Bam Bam Bigelow and [C] Booker T over [C] Test, [C] CM Punk & [C] Rob Van Dam