Clumsy Captions

For those with the benefit of closed captioned television, here are some spelling mistakes you may want to look up to see what they actually mean. We don't mean to demean anyone's spelling ability, or poke fun at the hearing impaired, these are just some errors that cause us to chuckle. Pobody's nerfect. :)

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Incorrect Spelling = What they actually meant

  1. !-Factor = X-Factor
  2. 180 pounds (The Rock's weight) = 248 pounds (The Rock's weight)
  3. 4000 pounds (Rikishi's weight) = 400 pounds (Rikishi's weight)
  4. 420 pounds (Perry Saturn's weight) = 240 pounds (Perry Saturn's weight)
  5. 426 pounds (Kane's weight) = 246 pounds (Kane's weight)
  6. 5333 pounds = 533 pounds (Test & Booker T's combined weight)
  7. 6 = Tazz
  8. A. C. Light = Acolytes
  9. Aane = Kane
  10. Acolyteses = Acolytes
  11. Adbert = Albert
  12. Akg Siow = Big Show
  13. Al = Tazz
  14. Al Bert = Albert
  15. Al Inert = Albert
  16. Al Snow = Al Gore
  17. Alvert = Albert
  18. And Continental = Intercontinental
  19. Ane = Kane
  20. Anglele = Angle
  21. Angler = (Kurt) Angle
  22. As I Sayers = Headscissors
  23. Atpert = Albert
  24. Ausin = Austin
  25. Austlin = Austin
  26. Australia Tin = Austin
  27. Australia Tine = Austin
  28. Austsin = Austin
  29. Awesome Beness = Awesomeness
  30. Axis = Triple H
  31. Bah Bah Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  32. Beboit = Benoit
  33. Beit = Benoit
  34. Ben Soit = Benoit
  35. Beneiq = Benoit
  36. Beno = Benoit
  37. Bent = Benoit
  38. Bert Angle = Kurt Angle
  39. Besh = Big Show
  40. Big Bagboski = Big Valbowski
  41. Big Ev Chicken [Beep] Whleep = Biggest Chicken Sh*t
  42. Big H = Big Red Machine
  43. Big 'Ow = Big Show
  44. Big Sho = Big Show
  45. Big Siow = Big Show
  46. Big Whow = Big Show
  47. Bill Goldberg = Hillbilly Cousins
  48. Blackmun = Blackman
  49. Blacknan = Blackman
  50. Blacksman = Blackman
  51. Blum Bowe = (Chuck) Palumbo
  52. Bo Buchanan = Bull Buchanan
  53. Boiled = Dudley
  54. Boneoit = Benoit
  55. Brooklyn Bomb = Brooklyn Brawler
  56. Broy Broy = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  57. Bubbub Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  58. But But Raid = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  59. But But Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  60. Can You Smell What The Rock Is Kicking = If you smell what the rock is cookin'
  61. Carrot Id = Carotid Artery
  62. Centon Bomb = Swanton Bomb
  63. Chain = Kane
  64. Chavez = Chavo
  65. Chazes = Chaz
  66. China = Chyna
  67. Chiss Jericho = Chris Jericho
  68. Choim = Champion
  69. Chom Slam = Chokeslam
  70. Chris = Test
  71. Chris Boyt = Chris Benoit
  72. Christ = Christian
  73. Christina = Christian
  74. Circus Prison = 6 Person
  75. Cleave = Sleeve
  76. Cock = Eddie Guerrero
  77. Cocky = Froggy
  78. Comb = (Michael) Cole
  79. Continental = Intercontinental
  80. Continue Continue = Intercontinental
  81. Crang = Kurt Angle
  82. Crang Clang = Kurt Angle
  83. Credeble = Credible
  84. Cribs Benoit = Chris Benoit
  85. Crps Crops = Crippler Crossface
  86. Crumb Pets = Crumpets
  87. Crumbler Crib Baby = Crippler Crossface
  88. Cur Kurt = Kurt Angle
  89. Curd Kurt Angle = Kurt Angle
  90. Curt Angle = Kurt Angle
  91. D.K. = D.Q.
  92. Daddy Long = Teddy Long
  93. Dane = Kane
  94. Danger Boy = Nature Boy
  95. Darak = Undertaker
  96. Dash Crafment = Dad
  97. Deborah = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
  98. Ded-Von = D-Von Dudley
  99. Dee Vone = D-Von Dudley
  100. Dertaker = Undertaker
  101. Devaughn = D-Von Dudley
  102. Dislocavated = Dislocated
  103. Doblee = D'Lo Brown
  104. Doe-Von = D-Von
  105. Dperrero = Guerrero
  106. Dud-Dud = Dudley
  107. Dus = Dudleyz
  108. Dusty = Jim Ross
  109. Earl Hefner = Earl Hebner
  110. Ebling = Edge
  111. Eddie Guedo = Eddie Guererro
  112. Eddie Guerre = Eddie Guererro
  113. Eddie Jerr = Eddie Guererro
  114. Edging Christian = Edge And Christian
  115. Eenoit = Benoit
  116. Eig Show = Big Show
  117. Eltee = Kane
  118. Encore = Hardcore
  119. Engel = (Kurt) Angle
  120. Engine = (Kurt) Angle
  121. Ens I Gurry = Enziguri
  122. Ensiguiry = Enziguri
  123. Erog Splash = Frog Splash
  124. E-Team = 3-Team
  125. Exaks Pac = X-Pac
  126. Exigser Foley = Commissioner Foley
  127. Exk Pac = X-Pac
  128. Exks Pac = X-Pac
  129. EX-POCK = X-Pac
  130. Fachri = 4-Way
  131. Fas = Tazz
  132. Fig Show = Big Show
  133. Flare = (Ric) Flair
  134. Fleed Flowed = Fully Loaded
  135. Foally = Foley
  136. Fofle = Foley
  137. Fookt = Fact
  138. Fory = Terri
  139. Frogasplash = Frog Splash
  140. Fully Load = Fully Loaded
  141. Funishment = Punishment
  142. Gabroni = Jabroni
  143. Gerraro = Guerrero
  144. Godfather = Val Venis
  145. Gohment = Gold
  146. Gord = Kevin Kelly
  147. Grandfather = Goodfather
  148. Grandmaqster Sexay = Grandmaster Sexay
  149. Greet Tossing = Greetings
  150. Greyer = Guerrero
  151. Gu = Gunn
  152. Hair = Chair
  153. Har Core = Hardcore
  154. Hard Cor Holly = Hardcore Holly
  155. Hard Score = Hardcore
  156. Hard Wore = Hardcore
  157. Hardee = Hardy
  158. Hardre Title = Hardcore Title
  159. Hardy Boyz Champion = Hardcore Champion
  160. Harvey = Hollywood Hulk Hogan
  161. Helmsly = Helmsley
  162. HHHHHHHo = HHH
  163. Hillar Yaws = Hilarious
  164. Ho Triple = Ho Train
  165. Hoch = Hulk (Hogan)
  166. Hock = Hulk (Hogan)
  167. Holgan = (Hulk) Hogan
  168. Holly Hottie = Molly Holly
  169. Hollywood Hulk Hogan California = Hollywood, California
  170. Holmoly = Molly Holly
  171. Hunt ESHS = Hunter
  172. Hutakonrana = Hurricanrana
  173. If You In That Casey = Funaki
  174. If you skell what the Rock is cooking = If you smell what the Rock is cooking
  175. Ike = Spike
  176. Ikishi = Rikishi
  177. Incidental = Christian
  178. Intercouldn't = Intercontinental
  179. J.V. = J.R.
  180. J2J = Y2J
  181. Jay = Jim Ross
  182. Je%ry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
  183. Jeff = Kevin Kelly
  184. Jeff Iardy = Jeff Hardy
  185. Jericho J = Chris Jericho
  186. Jericosme = Jericho
  187. Jerke = Jericho
  188. Jerko = Jericho
  189. Jerr2u Lawler = Jerry Lawler
  190. Jerr3u Lawler = Jerry Lawler
  191. Jerry Lall = Jerry Lawler
  192. Jerry Ross = Jim Ross
  193. Jirk = Jericho
  194. Joe = Johnathan (Coachman)
  195. Johnny Too Hotty = Scotty Too Hotty
  196. Jumped Underhas = Undertaker
  197. Junior = Jim Ross
  198. Just-In = Austin
  199. Kamalla = Kamala
  200. Kanc = Kane
  201. Kaz = Chaz
  202. Kbang Centre = Gangster
  203. Keant = Kane
  204. Keith and Richard = Steven Richards
  205. Kenny Long = Teddy Long
  206. Kiahl Cole = Michael Cole
  207. Kichael Cole = Michael Cole
  208. Kik Kik = Rikishi
  209. King Congress = King Kong
  210. Kinged = King
  211. Kkick = K-Kwik
  212. Kurt Angle Crang = Kurt Angle
  213. Lained = Linda
  214. Lap Drop = Leg Drop
  215. Larry (Cole) = Michael (Cole)
  216. Las Man Standing = Last Man Standing
  217. Law Schooler = Lawler
  218. Lead A = Lita
  219. Less Narcotic = (Brock) Lesnar
  220. Lifa = Lita
  221. Looth = Lita
  222. Love Train = Ho Train
  223. Lydia = Nidia
  224. Ma'am cita = Mamacita
  225. Mama Seata = Mamacita
  226. Mama Sita = Mamacita
  227. Mamca = Mamacita
  228. Matet = McMahon
  229. McNo = McMahon
  230. Mel Lastman = Michael Cole
  231. Merry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
  232. Miael Cole = Michael Cole
  233. Michael Coal = Michael Cole
  234. Mick-Rocky = Milwaukee
  235. Mighael Cole = Michael Cole
  236. Narrator = Vince McMahon
  237. Ne = Kane
  238. NHL = Intercontinental
  239. Oino = Rhyno
  240. On The Podium = His Opponent
  241. Oral = European
  242. Pac Bell = Prince Albert
  243. Pas = Tazz
  244. Peeping Nom = Peeping Tom
  245. People' Ghampion = People's Champion
  246. Plaque Black = Blackman
  247. Plen = Men
  248. Plmplet T = Mr. T
  249. Plum Boye = (Chuck) Palumbo
  250. President = Taka Michinoku
  251. Rangers Cow = Jericho
  252. Rapid Wolverine = Rabid Wolverine
  253. Rau = Raw
  254. Reee = Referee
  255. Rekey She = Rikishi
  256. Rekichi = Rikishi
  257. Rick Issue Shi = Rikishi
  258. Rick Shi = Rikishi
  259. Ringeo = Rhyno
  260. Rink = Ring
  261. Rink Side = Ringside
  262. Ris Benoit = Chris Benoit
  263. Robin Roberts = Rob Van Dam
  264. Rock Aye = Rocky
  265. Rock Van Dam = Rob Van Dam
  266. Rocket Launcher = Rocket Buster
  267. Rockhammering = Rock Bottom
  268. Rodman = Raw
  269. Roino = Rhyno
  270. Rose Mary = Michael Cole
  271. Row = Raw
  272. Rry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
  273. Rubber = Ladder
  274. S2J = Y2J
  275. Satu = Saturn
  276. Save the Ho Seas = Save the Ho's
  277. Scabby = Chris Benoit
  278. Schaff Very = Chavo
  279. Scotty T Hottie = Scotty Too Hottie
  280. Sexays = Sexist
  281. Shaf Row = Chavo (Guerrero)
  282. Shane McAllister = Shane McMahon
  283. Shane McAns = Shane McMahon
  284. Shane Mmaon = Shane McMahon
  285. Shookt = Booker T
  286. Shutter = Stunner
  287. Sir Angle = Kurt Angle
  288. Slapdown = Smackdown
  289. Slaughter Knocker = Slobberknocker
  290. Smaqkdown% = Smackdown
  291. Smashdown = Smackdown
  292. Snaertaker = Undertaker
  293. Sne = Shane (McMahon)
  294. Soaked Stone Cold = Stone Cold
  295. Soup = Supporters
  296. Spew Plecks = Suplex
  297. Spine Dust = Spinebuster
  298. Squrk = Chris
  299. Stammbowl = (Johnny) Stamboli
  300. Starter = Stunner
  301. Ste Richards = Stevie Richards
  302. Stee Steve = Steve
  303. Stefanie = Stephanie
  304. Stephen = Stephanie
  305. Steve Blackman = Steven Richards
  306. Steve Blackmarn = Steve Blackman
  307. Steve Cold Cold = Stone Cold Steve Austin
  308. Steve Malenko = Dean Malenko
  309. Steve Plaqueman = Steve Blackman
  310. Steve Wegman = Steve Blackman
  311. Stipulate Calf = Typical
  312. Stone Cold Stevens = Stone Cold Steve Austin
  313. Stoner Stoner = Stone Cold
  314. Sue Austin = Steve Austin
  315. Sweet McMahon = Shane McMahon
  316. Swinging the gavel = Laying the Smack Down
  317. Tacka = Taka
  318. Takes A Gamble = Takes Out Angle
  319. Tczz = Tazz
  320. Teddy White = Tim White
  321. Terry Saturn = Perry Saturn
  322. Tess = Test
  323. Testimony = Technical
  324. That Hardy = Matt Hardy
  325. The @$ock = The Rock
  326. The Crock = The Rock
  327. The Karob = The Rock
  328. The Mook = The Rock
  329. The Rck = The Rock
  330. The Rk = The Rock
  331. The Rockaas = The Rock
  332. The Rockville = The Rock
  333. The Rok = The Rock
  334. The Ron = The Rock
  335. The Welcome = The Rock
  336. Thessar U.S.A. = Thesaurus
  337. Thug Life Bread = Thug Life Dead
  338. Thug Life Pred = Thug Life Bred
  339. Tight Le = Title
  340. Tix Man = 6-Man
  341. Tombstone = Twist Of Fate
  342. Torey = Torrie
  343. Toss Slam = Choke Slam
  344. Trail Blazer = Triple H
  345. Tree-Way = 3 Way
  346. Trich = Trish
  347. Trim H = Triple H
  348. Trip Drip = Triple H
  349. Triple C = Triple H
  350. Triple H World Wrestling Federation Championship = World Wrestling Federation Championship
  351. Triple Maybe Event = Triple Main Event
  352. Tripler Crossface = Crippler Crossface
  353. TRMU-H = Triple H
  354. Troil = Royal
  355. Turkish Turkish = Trish Stratus
  356. Ultimate HHH = HHH
  357. Under = Undertaker
  358. Under Under = Undertaker
  359. Undertakcr = Undertaker
  360. Underthe = Undertaker
  361. Underyaker = Undertaker
  362. Unfinician = Unforgiven
  363. Unfoen = Unforgiven
  364. Ustsin = Austin
  365. Val Reen Venis = Val Venis
  366. Van Hammer = Rob Van Dam
  367. Vedge = Edge
  368. Venus = Venis
  369. Viscera = Survivor Series
  370. W2J = Y2J
  371. Waffles Jericho = Walls of Jericho
  372. Wenoit = Benoit
  373. Wister Business Quit = Whisker Biscuit
  374. Wlfrine = Wolverine
  375. Wnow = (Al) Snow
  376. Womenoc Champion = Women's Champion
  377. Wrement = WrestleMania
  378. Wrestle Main In The = WrestleMania
  379. Wrestling Mania = WrestleMania
  380. Wrock = Rock
  381. Wteve Blackman = Steve Blackman
  382. WWFCEO = WWF C.E.O.
  383. WWNCH = WWF
  384. X-P = X-Pac
  385. Y2Janch = Y2J
  386. Y2Jay = Y2J
  387. Yiffer = Ivory
  388. You'll have garrity = Vulgarity
  389. Yrk Yrk = Rikishi
  390. Yumpling = Triple H
  391. Yurt = Undertaker
  392. Zment = Austin