For those with the benefit of closed captioned television, here are some
spelling mistakes you may want to look up to see what they actually mean. We don't mean to
demean anyone's spelling ability, or poke fun at the hearing impaired, these are just some
errors that cause us to chuckle. Pobody's nerfect. :)
Click here to return
Incorrect Spelling = What
they actually meant
- !-Factor = X-Factor
180 pounds (The Rock's weight) = 248 pounds (The Rock's weight)
4000 pounds (Rikishi's weight) = 400 pounds (Rikishi's weight)
420 pounds (Perry Saturn's weight) = 240 pounds (Perry Saturn's weight)
426 pounds (Kane's weight) = 246 pounds (Kane's weight)
5333 pounds = 533 pounds (Test & Booker T's combined weight)
6 = Tazz
A. C. Light = Acolytes
Aane = Kane
Acolyteses = Acolytes
Adbert = Albert
Akg Siow = Big Show
Al = Tazz
Al Bert = Albert
Al Inert = Albert
Al Snow = Al Gore
Alvert = Albert
And Continental = Intercontinental
Ane = Kane
Anglele = Angle
Angler = (Kurt) Angle
As I Sayers = Headscissors
Atpert = Albert
Ausin = Austin
Austlin = Austin
Australia Tin = Austin
Australia Tine = Austin
Austsin = Austin
Awesome Beness = Awesomeness
Axis = Triple H
Bah Bah Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Beboit = Benoit
Beit = Benoit
Ben Soit = Benoit
Beneiq = Benoit
Beno = Benoit
Bent = Benoit
Bert Angle = Kurt Angle
Besh = Big Show
Big Bagboski = Big Valbowski
Big Ev Chicken [Beep] Whleep = Biggest Chicken Sh*t
Big H = Big Red Machine
Big 'Ow = Big Show
Big Sho = Big Show
Big Siow = Big Show
Big Whow = Big Show
Bill Goldberg = Hillbilly Cousins
Blackmun = Blackman
Blacknan = Blackman
Blacksman = Blackman
Blum Bowe = (Chuck) Palumbo
Bo Buchanan = Bull Buchanan
Boiled = Dudley
Boneoit = Benoit
Brooklyn Bomb = Brooklyn Brawler
Broy Broy = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Bubbub Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
But But Raid = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
But But Ray = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Can You Smell What The Rock Is Kicking = If you smell what the rock is
Carrot Id = Carotid Artery
Centon Bomb = Swanton Bomb
Chain = Kane
Chavez = Chavo
Chazes = Chaz
China = Chyna
Chiss Jericho = Chris Jericho
Choim = Champion
Chom Slam = Chokeslam
Chris = Test
Chris Boyt = Chris Benoit
Christ = Christian
Christina = Christian
Circus Prison = 6 Person
Cleave = Sleeve
Cock = Eddie Guerrero
Cocky = Froggy
Comb = (Michael) Cole
Continental = Intercontinental
Continue Continue = Intercontinental
Crang = Kurt Angle
Crang Clang = Kurt Angle
Credeble = Credible
Cribs Benoit = Chris Benoit
Crps Crops = Crippler Crossface
Crumb Pets = Crumpets
Crumbler Crib Baby = Crippler Crossface
Cur Kurt = Kurt Angle
Curd Kurt Angle = Kurt Angle
Curt Angle = Kurt Angle
D.K. = D.Q.
Daddy Long = Teddy Long
Dane = Kane
Danger Boy = Nature Boy
Darak = Undertaker
Dash Crafment = Dad
Deborah = Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Ded-Von = D-Von Dudley
Dee Vone = D-Von Dudley
Dertaker = Undertaker
Devaughn = D-Von Dudley
Dislocavated = Dislocated
Doblee = D'Lo Brown
Doe-Von = D-Von
Dperrero = Guerrero
Dud-Dud = Dudley
Dus = Dudleyz
Dusty = Jim Ross
Earl Hefner = Earl Hebner
Ebling = Edge
Eddie Guedo = Eddie Guererro
Eddie Guerre = Eddie Guererro
Eddie Jerr = Eddie Guererro
Edging Christian = Edge And Christian
Eenoit = Benoit
Eig Show = Big Show
Eltee = Kane
Encore = Hardcore
Engel = (Kurt) Angle
Engine = (Kurt) Angle
Ens I Gurry = Enziguri
Ensiguiry = Enziguri
Erog Splash = Frog Splash
E-Team = 3-Team
Exaks Pac = X-Pac
Exigser Foley = Commissioner Foley
Exk Pac = X-Pac
Exks Pac = X-Pac
Fachri = 4-Way
Fas = Tazz
Fig Show = Big Show
Flare = (Ric) Flair
Fleed Flowed = Fully Loaded
Foally = Foley
Fofle = Foley
Fookt = Fact
Fory = Terri
Frogasplash = Frog Splash
Fully Load = Fully Loaded
Funishment = Punishment
Gabroni = Jabroni
Gerraro = Guerrero
Godfather = Val Venis
Gohment = Gold
Gord = Kevin Kelly
Grandfather = Goodfather
Grandmaqster Sexay = Grandmaster Sexay
Greet Tossing = Greetings
Greyer = Guerrero
Gu = Gunn
Hair = Chair
Har Core = Hardcore
Hard Cor Holly = Hardcore Holly
Hard Score = Hardcore
Hard Wore = Hardcore
Hardee = Hardy
Hardre Title = Hardcore Title
Hardy Boyz Champion = Hardcore Champion
Harvey = Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Helmsly = Helmsley
Hillar Yaws = Hilarious
Ho Triple = Ho Train
Hoch = Hulk (Hogan)
Hock = Hulk (Hogan)
Holgan = (Hulk) Hogan
Holly Hottie = Molly Holly
Hollywood Hulk Hogan California = Hollywood, California
Holmoly = Molly Holly
Hunt ESHS = Hunter
Hutakonrana = Hurricanrana
If You In That Casey = Funaki
If you skell what the Rock is cooking = If you smell what the Rock is
Ike = Spike
Ikishi = Rikishi
Incidental = Christian
Intercouldn't = Intercontinental
J.V. = J.R.
J2J = Y2J
Jay = Jim Ross
Je%ry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
Jeff = Kevin Kelly
Jeff Iardy = Jeff Hardy
Jericho J = Chris Jericho
Jericosme = Jericho
Jerke = Jericho
Jerko = Jericho
Jerr2u Lawler = Jerry Lawler
Jerr3u Lawler = Jerry Lawler
Jerry Lall = Jerry Lawler
Jerry Ross = Jim Ross
Jirk = Jericho
Joe = Johnathan (Coachman)
Johnny Too Hotty = Scotty Too Hotty
Jumped Underhas = Undertaker
Junior = Jim Ross
Just-In = Austin
Kamalla = Kamala
Kanc = Kane
Kaz = Chaz
Kbang Centre = Gangster
Keant = Kane
Keith and Richard = Steven Richards
Kenny Long = Teddy Long
Kiahl Cole = Michael Cole
Kichael Cole = Michael Cole
Kik Kik = Rikishi
King Congress = King Kong
Kinged = King
Kkick = K-Kwik
Kurt Angle Crang = Kurt Angle
Lained = Linda
Lap Drop = Leg Drop
Larry (Cole) = Michael (Cole)
Las Man Standing = Last Man Standing
Law Schooler = Lawler
Lead A = Lita
Less Narcotic = (Brock) Lesnar
Lifa = Lita
Looth = Lita
Love Train = Ho Train
Lydia = Nidia
Ma'am cita = Mamacita
Mama Seata = Mamacita
Mama Sita = Mamacita
Mamca = Mamacita
Matet = McMahon
McNo = McMahon
Mel Lastman = Michael Cole
Merry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
Miael Cole = Michael Cole
Michael Coal = Michael Cole
Mick-Rocky = Milwaukee
Mighael Cole = Michael Cole
Narrator = Vince McMahon
Ne = Kane
NHL = Intercontinental
Oino = Rhyno
On The Podium = His Opponent
Oral = European
Pac Bell = Prince Albert
Pas = Tazz
Peeping Nom = Peeping Tom
People' Ghampion = People's Champion
Plaque Black = Blackman
Plen = Men
Plmplet T = Mr. T
Plum Boye = (Chuck) Palumbo
President = Taka Michinoku
Rangers Cow = Jericho
Rapid Wolverine = Rabid Wolverine
Rau = Raw
Reee = Referee
Rekey She = Rikishi
Rekichi = Rikishi
Rick Issue Shi = Rikishi
Rick Shi = Rikishi
Ringeo = Rhyno
Rink = Ring
Rink Side = Ringside
Ris Benoit = Chris Benoit
Robin Roberts = Rob Van Dam
Rock Aye = Rocky
Rock Van Dam = Rob Van Dam
Rocket Launcher = Rocket Buster
Rockhammering = Rock Bottom
Rodman = Raw
Roino = Rhyno
Rose Mary = Michael Cole
Row = Raw
Rry Lawler = Jerry Lawler
Rubber = Ladder
S2J = Y2J
Satu = Saturn
Save the Ho Seas = Save the Ho's
Scabby = Chris Benoit
Schaff Very = Chavo
Scotty T Hottie = Scotty Too Hottie
Sexays = Sexist
Shaf Row = Chavo (Guerrero)
Shane McAllister = Shane McMahon
Shane McAns = Shane McMahon
Shane Mmaon = Shane McMahon
Shookt = Booker T
Shutter = Stunner
Sir Angle = Kurt Angle
Slapdown = Smackdown
Slaughter Knocker = Slobberknocker
Smaqkdown% = Smackdown
Smashdown = Smackdown
Snaertaker = Undertaker
Sne = Shane (McMahon)
Soaked Stone Cold = Stone Cold
Soup = Supporters
Spew Plecks = Suplex
Spine Dust = Spinebuster
Squrk = Chris
Stammbowl = (Johnny) Stamboli
Starter = Stunner
Ste Richards = Stevie Richards
Stee Steve = Steve
Stefanie = Stephanie
Stephen = Stephanie
Steve Blackman = Steven Richards
Steve Blackmarn = Steve Blackman
Steve Cold Cold = Stone Cold Steve Austin
Steve Malenko = Dean Malenko
Steve Plaqueman = Steve Blackman
Steve Wegman = Steve Blackman
Stipulate Calf = Typical
Stone Cold Stevens = Stone Cold Steve Austin
Stoner Stoner = Stone Cold
Sue Austin = Steve Austin
Sweet McMahon = Shane McMahon
Swinging the gavel = Laying the Smack Down
Tacka = Taka
Takes A Gamble = Takes Out Angle
Tczz = Tazz
Teddy White = Tim White
Terry Saturn = Perry Saturn
Tess = Test
Testimony = Technical
That Hardy = Matt Hardy
The @$ock = The Rock
The Crock = The Rock
The Karob = The Rock
The Mook = The Rock
The Rck = The Rock
The Rk = The Rock
The Rockaas = The Rock
The Rockville = The Rock
The Rok = The Rock
The Ron = The Rock
The Welcome = The Rock
Thessar U.S.A. = Thesaurus
Thug Life Bread = Thug Life Dead
Thug Life Pred = Thug Life Bred
Tight Le = Title
Tix Man = 6-Man
Tombstone = Twist Of Fate
Torey = Torrie
Toss Slam = Choke Slam
Trail Blazer = Triple H
Tree-Way = 3 Way
Trich = Trish
Trim H = Triple H
Trip Drip = Triple H
Triple C = Triple H
Triple H World Wrestling Federation Championship = World Wrestling
Federation Championship
Triple Maybe Event = Triple Main Event
Tripler Crossface = Crippler Crossface
TRMU-H = Triple H
Troil = Royal
Turkish Turkish = Trish Stratus
Ultimate HHH = HHH
Under = Undertaker
Under Under = Undertaker
Undertakcr = Undertaker
Underthe = Undertaker
Underyaker = Undertaker
Unfinician = Unforgiven
Unfoen = Unforgiven
Ustsin = Austin
Val Reen Venis = Val Venis
Van Hammer = Rob Van Dam
Vedge = Edge
Venus = Venis
Viscera = Survivor Series
W2J = Y2J
Waffles Jericho = Walls of Jericho
Wenoit = Benoit
Wister Business Quit = Whisker Biscuit
Wlfrine = Wolverine
Wnow = (Al) Snow
Womenoc Champion = Women's Champion
Wrement = WrestleMania
Wrestle Main In The = WrestleMania
Wrestling Mania = WrestleMania
Wrock = Rock
Wteve Blackman = Steve Blackman
X-P = X-Pac
Y2Janch = Y2J
Y2Jay = Y2J
Yiffer = Ivory
You'll have garrity = Vulgarity
Yrk Yrk = Rikishi
Yumpling = Triple H
Yurt = Undertaker
Zment = Austin