Dark Forsaken's Grand Theft Auto Fan Site

New Sounds

SquareSoft Sounds

The sounds are for use with GTAWave. All songs are formatted as PCM, 6000 Hz, 8-Bit Mono and will run in a perfect loop. Right-click on the filename and Save the wav file.

Total Songs: 5

File Size
Last Updated
Cid Cid's theme from Final Fantasy IV (II US) 5.48K March 15, 1999
Dalton Dalton's theme from Chrono Trigger 38.1K March 15, 1999
Mansion Mansion theme from Final Fantasy VII 36.2K March 15, 1999
Spekkio Spekkio's theme from Chrono Trigger 58.5K March 15, 1999
Tutorial Tutorial theme from Final Fantasy Tactics 43.2K March 15, 1999