Ever been to a DSW event, and hear a reference, but don't know what the person is talking about? Here are the definitions. If using Internet Explorer, hit Ctrl+F, type a DSW word you need to define, and hit enter! It's in alphabetical order.
Term = Defenition
Alundra Blayze/Owen Hart Conspiracy = As we were watching WWF WrestleMania X, Alundra Blayze came out, and one of us commented on how she looks a lot like Owen Hart. Immediately after, Alundra's name came up on the screen, then disappeared, and for a brief moment, it said Owen Hart was her name!
Bushwhacker/Rougeau Conspiracy = During a match at a WWF Pay-per-view (I'll try to get the info on which one), when a Rougeau Brother lifted a Bushwhacker for a suplex, the Bushwhacker rapidly rubbed his had on the Rougeau's groin, looking rather like he was... what? Oh, okay. I'll go on to the next term.
Curly = A small plastic head that makes a squishy noise when you squeeze it, do to its liquid contents. He's the mascot of Darkind.
Dark Chat = An interview show hosted by Dude Dark.
ECW = A wrestling organization not preferred by certain superstars in Dark Side Wrestling.
Employment Officer = In charge of hiring & firing.
Gimmick Killer = Any fake weapon we use at the end of matches to "kill off" gimmicks we don't want anymore.
Gorby = A former figure of high power in Russia. We have a replica of his head as a mascot.
Gorby Award = An award given to someone at the annual Gorby Awards Ceremony.
Head of Security = The person in charge of keeping people from interfering in matches (only if they decide to get in the ring).
Iron Chef = The official favourite cooking show of Dark Side Wrestling.
Match Booker = The person who talks with everyone and signs the best possible matches to make everyone happy.
Music Director = Creates soundtracks, brings stereo, etc.
Nutrition Expert = The person who organizes who brings what food/what we order, and how much it will cost all of us equally.
One Winged Angel = Final Fantasy 7's Sephiroth's theme song. Here are the translated lyrics (the original lyrics are in Latin): Estuans interius Ira vehementi (Burning inside with violent anger); Sors immanis Et inanis (Fate, monstrous and empty); Veni, veni, venias Ne me mori facias (Come, come, o come...Do not let me die); Karyuu no hane kata (The one-winged of the Lower Depths)
Party Organizer = The person who organizes who brings what videos, video games, etc. for all of us to do after the event.
Referee Enforcer = A stick that only referees can use to get a match under control.
Screamer = A small plastic head that squeals when you squeeze it, due to a whistle type thing at the airhole.
Sephiroth = A character from the Final Fantasy 7 video game by SquareSoft, he's the idol of Dark Forsaken. Many of Sephiroth's theme songs are used in remixes by Dark Forsaken as his entrance music.
Staff of Darkness = The Lord of Darkness carries this to the ring, signifying his greatness. The best part of the Staff of Darkness is that the Champion can use it as a weapon outside the ring and not get disqualified. However, if the challenger uses it once, he'll automatically be disqualified.
Storyline = Each person writes their own character's storyline and discusses it with everyone else.
Talent Interviewer = The person who is a good judge of people's personalities, and will interview any new prospective DSW talent to see if they are qualified.
Talent Researcher = The person who searches for new prospective DSW talent.
Tangible Claw = The former weapon of Darkind, it was lost during a trip to a WWF event in Toronto. It was a wrap to be put around two fingers whicha re stuffed down his opponent's throat.
Valet = Female manager of a wrestler, accompanying her athlete to the ring.
Waylon Mercy Conspiracy = Waylon Mercy was a former WWF wrestler, now known for doing a Boston Crab with no victim under him for quite a while in the WWF Attitude video game.
WCW = The wrestling organization preferred by pretty much nobody in Dark Side Wrestling. In my opinion, they are just a cheap, crappy, recycled version of WWF.
WWF = The wrestling organization preferred by the majority of Dark Side Wrestling. They are #1 in the Sports Entertainment industry.