Dark Side Wrestling

The Lord Of Darkness Tournament

For May's event, a tournament will be held, where the winner gets to use a wooden staff legally in any match he's in for the next year! He can only use it outside the ring, however... and if his opponent uses it, it's an immediate disqualification. This event is held in honour of one of the most entertaining men in wrestling history, Owen Hart, as he was tragically taken away from us on May 23, 1999. Since he was the "King of Harts", and he got his name by winning the King of the Ring tournament, it's only fitting that a tournament be held in his honour. We miss you, Owen.

Winner of 2000: Eiros
Winner of 2001: Kao

Dark Side Wrestling Presents Sunday Morning Meat (Pre-Show)
June 4, 2000 - 11:30 AM
Live From Kreuger's Garden in London, Ontario, Canada

1. 3 Way Dance: Sgt. Pain defeated Kreuger, Kao did not show
Pain became the new #1 contender for the Canadian title!

2. Interview: Joker
Joker started firing off insults to the newcomer, Jag.

Dark Side Wrestling Presents Lord Of Darkness
June 4, 2000 - 12:00 PM
Live From Kreuger's Garden in London, Ontario, Canada

1. Dark Side Wrestling's Lord of Darkness Tournament
The winner recieves a wooden scepter that he can use legally outside the ring in any match for the next year. It was Eiros' night!

Cold Fusion defeated Train Conductor
Sergeant Pain defeated Joker
Kreuger defeated Kao
Eiros defeated Jag
Sergeant Pain defeated Cold Fusion
Eiros defeated Kreuger
Eiros defeated Sergeant Pain

2. Dark Side Wrestling's Middlesex County Championship 30 Minute Iron Man Match, referees Joker, Kreuger, Sergeant Pain, Dark Forsaken: Eiros defeated Cold Fusion, Jag & kao Grace
Cold Fusion walked away with 9 falls, kao with 8, Jag with 7 and Eiros won the Middlesex County belt with an impressive 16 falls! During the match, kao went through a wooden board not once, not twice, but 3 times!

3. Dark Side Wrestling's Tag Team Championship, referee Dark Forsaken: BioHazard defeated Eiros & Cold Fusion
Since Train Conductor had to leave, Cold Fusion took his place, but as tempers flared, Eiros & Cold Fusion began to feud, and will face one another in the near future for the Middlesex County Championship! The return of BioHazard (Kao & Kreuger) impressed us all. We never thought Kao would show, we just hoped, but the eerie music turned out to be his new theme!

4. Dark Side Wrestling's Canadian Championship, referee Dark Forsaken: Joker defeated Sergeant Pain
Pain just couldn't get the job done this month. He fought hard in the Tournament, but lost it as well. Can he bounce back?

Dark Side Wrestling Presents May Mutilation
May 22, 1999 - 1:30 PM
Live From Kreuger Field in London, Ontario, Canada

1. DSW Tag Team Title Match With Special Referee Bowling Guy: Dark Humor defeated Seargent Pain & FB16
Darkind signed this match... and fought in it! Darkind and Ice Joker became the new Tag Team Champions! This match was very long, and very painful! While Pain and Joker wrestled in the ring, FB16 and Darkind fought outside. Darkind was even thrown into a barbecue pit by FB16! It ended when Darkind pinned FB16 because Pain turned against FB16! Post-match, FB16 proposed a match between him and Dark Forsaken for the Public Access Television title next month!

2. Bat Match: Seargent Pain vs. The Uneducated Fly
Both wrestlers wore down each other with various weapons, and the referee (FB16) broke a chair! Joker threw water on the Fly, FB16 threw water on Pain, and Joker threw water on FB16! It ended when both wrestlers gave each other a Tongan Death Grip... and both went out!

3. DSW Heavyweight Title Match: FB16 defeated Ice Joker
Previously, Ice Joker stated he wanted a triple threat match with Uneducated Bum and Flyguy, but with the recent mutation, that'll pass. Ice Joker has repeatedly stated he'd like a match with FB16 because it'd be a great match! It was! Many moves, but it ended with Ice Joker passing out from a Camel Clutch.

4. Main Event = DSW Public Access Television Title 15 Minute Iron Man Submission Match: Kreuger defeated Dark Forsaken

Kreuger's Rules
1. No corporate member is to be involved in any way in the match. This includes interferences.
2. There will be two refs.
3. Dark Forsaken can choose both referees.
4. No foreign objects can be used against Kreuger if unprovoked.
5. If the timer goes up and it's a tie, it goes into sudden death rules: first win takes the match.

Dark Forsaken's Rules
1. If a Submission hold is on 30 seconds, & the opponent hasn't given up, the hold must be released & not attempted again for 5 minutes under penalty of 1 loss per second afterwards, up to 10 losses.
2. No foreign objects can be used against Dark Forsaken if unprovoked.
3. If Kreuger wins, the Corporation disbands.

The Corporation is dead. The leader, Big Daddy Dark, started off with a 15 minute intro, and then avoided Kreuger for 5 minutes. His chest was still very sore from the Tag Team match. A rule was broken, and the person who broke the rule lost the entire match by disqualification. However, as everybody knows, a title can not change hands on a technicality like that. Dark is still the champion becuase he attacked Kreuger with a board, breaking rule # 4 of Kreuger's. Ice Joker then stated the Corporation may be dead, but they will now be known as the Forsaken Ministry, but Dark Forsaken was in too much pain to say anything.