Game: W.W.F. Royal Rumble - SNES Created by: Dark Forsaken Date: 8/19/98 BEED-1DDD Can't hurt opponent with running attacks. 6BED-1DDD Fall down hurt if you press Y. 5EED-1DDD Partners and opponents stay outside on the floor (most of the time). 6EED-1DDD An earthquake kills anyone who moves until you turn off the Game Genie. 2EED-1DDD or 3EED-1DDD or 8EED-1DDD All wrestlers stop. 9888-1DDD or 00ED-1DDD or 4FED-1DDD or FBED-1DDD or FEED-1DDD or FDED-1DDD or 8EED-1DDD or 9EED-1DDD or CEED-1DDD or 0EED-1DDD Any of these codes change the game's graphics.