Game: Final Fantasy 6 (3 US) - SNES Created by: Dark Forsaken Date: 9-8-98 D77D-8DDF Leave the Game Genie turned off until you load a game, go to certain places in the game and turn on the Game Genie before entering for different music: the game will black out for a while, and you'll come back to a deformed World of Ruin map. D27D-8DDF No windows. 7DA0-8DDF Use "Warp" spell or "Warp Stone" item ANYWHERE except on the map. AA07-8DD7 Equip Sprint Shoes and become glued to the ground. D607-8DD7 Sprint Shoes are ineffective. **A7-846D Fight Mesosaur and Gilomantis on the Veldt in a normal battle (the normal battle music will play, Rage/Leap are disabled, normal Exp./GP/Magic Points after battle)