Game: Final Fantasy Tactics - PSX Created by: Dark Forsaken Codes made & tested on v2.42 GameShark. ===== Date: 7/31/99 These codes can't be used together. 800577E4 0110 Go into battle and Rad, Alicia and Lavian will join your party. 800577E4 0123 Go into battle, help guests Mustadio and Ramzas defeat a Steel Giant. The Steel Giant will join you after the battle. ===== Date: 6-6-99 Codes are to be used ONLY IN BATTLE. 3019gggE jj## Job and Number Modifier 3019gggC qqpp Sex and Class Modifier 3019hhh0 000* Sprite Colour Modifier 8019hhhE yyzz Act Menu Modifier 8019iii0 01rr Reaction Menu Modifier 8019iii2 01ss Support Menu Modifier 8019iii4 01mm Movement Menu Modifier 8019iii6 xxhh Body and Head Modifier 8019iii8 vvww Right Hand and Accessory Modifier 8019iiiA uuuu Left Hand Modifier 8019iiiC tttt Level Modifier 8019iiiE ???? HP 8019jjjO ???? Max HP 8019jjj2 ???? MP 8019jjj4 ???? Max MP 3019nnn2 ???? Weapon AT 3019nnn3 ???? Magic AT 3019nnn4 ???? Speed 3019nnn6 ???? Move 3019nnn7 ???? Jump 8019nnn6 nnjj Jump and Move Modifier 3019nnn8 ???? Right Hand Weapon Power 3019nnn9 ???? Left Hand Weapon Power 3019nnnA ???? Right Hand Weapon Evade% 3019nnnB ???? Left Hand Weapon Evade% 3019nnnC ???? Physical A-EV 3019nnnE ???? Physical C-EV 3019nnnF ???? Physical S-EV 3019$$$0 ???? Magical A-EV 3019$$$1 ???? Magical S-EV 3019$$$2 ???? Magical C-EV Replace With ggg Character Number (Below) hhh Character Number (Below) iii Character Number (Below) jjj Character Number (Below) nnn Character Number (Below) $$$ Character Number (Below) jj Current Job qq Character's Sex pp Base Class * Character's Colour yy Act Menu 2 zz Act Menu 1 rr Reaction Menu ss Support Menu mm Movement Menu xx Armor hh Helmet vv Right Hand ww Accessory uu Left Hand (Enter Twice) tt Level (Enter Twice) nn Jump jj Move Char # ggg hhh iii jjj nnn $$$ 16 08C 08D 08E 08F 090 091 15 0A8 0A9 0AA 0AB 0AC 0AD 14 0C4 0C5 0C6 0C7 0C8 0C9 13 0E0 0E1 0E2 0E3 0E4 0E5 12 0FC 0FD 0FE 0FF 000 001 11 118 119 11A 11B 11C 11D 10 134 135 136 137 138 139 9 150 151 152 153 154 155 8 16C 16D 16E 16F 170 171 7 188 189 18A 18B 18C 18D 6 1A4 1A5 1A6 1A7 1A8 1A9 5 2BC 2BD 2BE 2BF 2C0 2C1 4 2A0 2A1 2A2 2A3 2A4 2A5 3 284 285 286 287 288 289 2 268 269 26A 26B 26C 26D 1 24C 24D 24E 24F 250 251 (it goes backwards: 16 is the first enemy, 1-5 are allies) Example: 3019iii4 01mm Movement Menu Modifier If I wanted this to be character 16 in battle (first monster), the code would be: jjj for character 16 is 08F mm is the Movement Menu. I want Teleport 2 which is F3, so mm would be F3 301908F4 01F3 The first monster has Teleport 2 as his movement menu It can't be explained any easier than this, because I don't want to actually write out all 464 codes total. (30 for each character, 30*16 is 464). If you want to write them ALL out, go right ahead, but we all know you got them here. :) If the codes don't work properly, change the first 8 to 3. Some codes only show results in the Unit List. Codes for humans will not usually work on monsters. If you're using Human codes, try plaing in the Deep Dungeon. Some codes may work at times, some codes may not work at times, but they DO work. I've successfully used every single code on every single character, but they don't work 100% of the time. A sweet trick: Create a powerful character (A super-powered Orlandu, Angel of Death, etc.) as an enemy, then you can use the Mediator's Talk Skill of Invitation to invite him to join you! You can usually only invite people who have a sprite on the Formation screen, however. Continued from codes by: (All Units Player Controlled) Some codes for characters 1-5 from Game Shark Code Creators' Club. ===== Date: 2-23-99 50001D02 0000 8005xx9E FFFF Master All Jobs (Replace xx with following for character number) 7F = 1, 80 = 2, 81 = 3, 82 = 4, 83 = 5, 84 = 6, 85 = 7, 86 = 8, 87 = 9, 88 = 10, 89 = 11, 8A = 12, 8B = 13, 8C = 14, 8D = 15, 8E = 16 50001402 0000 8005xxE2 FFFF Max JP (Replace xx with following for character number) 7F = 1, 80 = 2, 81 = 3, 82 = 4, 83 = 5, 84 = 6, 85 = 7, 86 = 8, 87 = 9, 88 = 10, 89 = 11, 8A = 12, 8B = 13, 8C = 14, 8D = 15, 8E = 16 50001402 0000 8005yy0A FFFF Have all jobs & have them at max level (Replace yy with following for character number) 80 = 1, 81 = 2, 82 = 3, 83 = 4, 84 = 5, 85 = 6, 86 = 7, 87 = 8, 88 = 9, 89 = 10, 8A = 11, 8B = 12, 8C = 13, 8D = 14, 8E = 15, 8F = 16 50000502 0000 80057942 FFFF Have all records. 50001802 0000 80057978 FFFF Have Work History completed. ===== Date: 2-2-99 All of the following codes are only to be used in battle. 801924CE xxyy Character 1 8019268E xxyy Character 2 8019284E xxyy Character 3 80192A0E xxyy Character 4 80192BCE xxyy Character 5 In the Unit List menu in battle, this code changes the character's current job and number. Be careful when changing the character's number, however, because they remain that way after battle. The job, however, is only affected in the Unit List, not in battle... strange... xx = Current Job yy = Character Number Number digits (go to Game Genie Code Creators' Club for Current Job Digits) 00 = 1 01 = 2 02 = 3 03 = 4 04 = 5 05 = 6 06 = 7 07 = 8 08 = 9 09 = 10 0A = 11 0B = 12 0C = 13 0D = 14 0E = 15 0F = 16 301924CC xxyy Character 1 3019268C xxyy Character 2 3019284C xxyy Character 3 30192A0C xxyy Character 4 30192BCC xxyy Character 5 xx changes the character's sex, yy changes the character's base class (go to Game Genie Code Creators' Club for the class digits) The classes work only in the Unit List menu, however... strange... ===== Date: 1-8-99 800577EE 00?? Infinite parties to make in battle formation screen (every time you hit start, you get another party, and it never ends) 800577EA 00?? Battle location name modifier (so far, I've only been able to get a big white line as a name, though) ===== Date: 8/17/98 8005yy44 000? Status on Formation screen modifier (yy is the character #, ? is the status) Replace ? with 0 - Normal 1 - Leaving Temp 2 - Missing Note: If you leave Normal on, you'll keep allies when they're on missions! Character # - Digit 1 - 80 2 - 81 3 - 82 4 - 83 5 - 84 6 - 85 7 - 86 8 - 87 9 - 88 10 - 89 11 - 8A 12 - 8B 13 - 8C 14 - 8D 15 - 8E 16 - 8F ===== Date: 7/26/98 800579A8 1111 800579AA 1111 800579AC 1111 800579AE 1111 800579B0 0011 800579B2 1101 800579B4 0111 800579B6 0111 800579B8 1101 800579BA 1111 800579BC 1111 800579BE 1111 800579C0 1111 800579C2 0000 800579C4 0000 800579C6 1110 Have all Persons in Brave Story (best if used at the beginning of the game since it's the first description of each character) 8005xx80 01?? Move Menu Modifier for all 16 characters (xx is the character #.) 8005xx7C 01?? Counter Menu Modifier for all 16 characters (xx is the character #.) Replace xx with the appropriate character #: Character # - Digit 1 - 7F 2 - 80 3 - 81 4 - 82 5 - 83 6 - 84 7 - 85 8 - 86 9 - 87 10 - 88 11 - 89 12 - 8A 13 - 8B 14 - 8C 15 - 8D 16 - 8E Replace ?? with the appropriate of the following: Counter Menu Digits B0 MP Restore B1 Critical Quick B2 Meatbone Slash B3 Counter Magic B4 Counter Tackle B5 Counter Flood B6 Absorb Used MP B7 Gilgame Heart B8 Reflect B9 Auto Potion BA Counter BC Distribute BD MP Switch BE Damage Split BF Weapon Guard C0 Finger Guard C1 Abandon C2 Catch C3 Blade Grasp C4 Arrow Guard C5 Hamedo Movement Menu Digits E6 Move +1 E7 Move +2 E8 Move +3 E9 Jump +1 EA Jump +2 EB Jump +3 EC Ignore Height ED Move - HP Up EE Move - MP Up EF Move - Get Exp F0 Move - Get JP F2 Teleport F3 Teleport 2 (Teleport anywhere without failure) F4 Any Weather F5 Any Ground F6 Move in Water F7 Walk on Water F8 Move on Lava F9 Move Underwater (Don't lose movement squares while walking under up to 3 feet. of water) FA Float FB Fly FC Silent Walk (Move without being seen) FD Move - Find Item