Game: Dragon Warrior II - NES Created by: Dark Forsaken Date: 9-8-98 EPLANE Go into a battle and it will say, "But it wasn't real." and you'll skip the battle. UPYOUS When in Rhone (the last area), fight a battle and raise to the highest level after the battle. NAZUGV or YAZUGV Awesome experience points from enemies! ZPGAZX Weird music in some areas. ENGLIS Your name is used a lot. NYYVTS Unpredictable effects! NUGAGA or LNGAGA or LNGAGE Weird music and sound effects. UNGAGE or UNGAGA Weird music and sound effects, makes the game more difficult. POPUPS Kill an enemy and see what happens next... LPINZA No words, just arrows. (Choose "SPELL", keep arrow going down for a bit and see what spell you end up with!) AAAULA Town and castle designs are different. VITOAN No experience points from enemies - just gold. LVANYE Hero has MP but no spells. GNATAT People disappear and reappear. AELAIN Black enemies, game blacks out after a while. ONTAIO Weird music. TAGUZG Weird words. STIXAN or NUTTIN Strange screens.