Dark Forsaken's Online Codebook

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Welcome to the Dark Forsaken's Online Codebook containing personally created PlayStation GameShark codes, Nintendo and Super Nintendo Game Genie codes and ZSNES codes. Just hover your mouse over an arrow to scroll through the games, then click on a game name to read the codes in a new window! In my personal opinion, this site is best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. Make sure to let everything load to get the full effects, and don't forget to bookmark this page! You may find game spoilers, so read my codes at your own risk. All games and their music/pictures on my site are trademarks of their respective creators. All "Dark Forsaken" art was made by me, the Dark Forsaken. I am in no way affiliated with Sony or InterAct or anything like that, and the codes on my pages are not from various sites on the internet. I've decided to post my codes here online to ensure that I am the original person who invented them. I create codes, search the net THOROUGHLY to see if they've already been discovered, and if not, I post my discoveries first. If you see these on other sites without my name, they stole them from me and I'm getting no credit, so please e-mail them and tell them! If you want to use my codes on your site, go right ahead! All I ask for in return is that you post my name up as the code's creator for credit. All of the PSX codes were created without a PC Comms Link. If a code has **** or ???? at the end of the code, that means to replace those digits with any digits to get certain items, or stats, etc. If the digits aren't listed, don't ask me what they are, as you can find them at the Game Software Code Creators Club & Game Genie Code Creators Club, along with most of my codes. Pro Action Replay and GameShark are trademarks of InterAct Game Products. Game Genie is a trademark of Galoob. PlayStation is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. Nintendo and Super Nintendo are trademarks of Nintendo of America.
Monday, August 09, 2004 07:20:07 PM -0700
Added a link to GameZone at the bottom of the page and updated the gaming links.


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