WCW's Stolen Ideas

"Want to know what's going to happen next week on WCW TV? Watch WWF TV!" - Dark Forsaken, before WWE bought WCW.

On the left is what WWE brought to television as an original idea. On the right is the old WCW regime's copied version of it. If you are a WCW fan and disagree, then frankly, you're wrong. I despised WCW in every possible way, and these are facts to prove they were crap. I started to watch WCW on & off since its first Souled Out Pay-Per-View, but I stopped watching after the first time Nitro came to the Air Canada Centre & bashed Canada at every turn.

When WCW acquired WWE's old creative writing team, the "new WCW era"? Give me a break! They just started to copy WWE even more! People said Nitro was a dream show... wake up! Everything on it was on Raw the previous week! Come on!

The opinions expressed on this page are solely of the Dark Forsaken, and do not necessarily reflect anyone else, unless otherwise noted. Got any more not here? Send them in! This page was pretty much discontinued after WWE bought WCW.

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WWF's Original Idea = WCW's Stolen Version

  1. Goldust = Perry Saturn (the crossdressing thing with the whole attitude)
  2. Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar Team (Dibiase bought some of the top stars at the time) = nWo (Ted DiBiase was an nWo founding father immediately after he left WWF, and various WCW wrestlers "Souled Out")
  3. DeGeneration X's "2 Words: S*ck it!" = "? Words: <insert line>" said a LOT by various WCW wrestlers after DX started it
  4. Most lines coined by various WWF wrestlers = Anything out of DDP's mouth [e.g. Bottom Line, Jackoff, 2 words, etc.]
  5. The Rock's Corporate/People's Elbow = Lenny Lane (WCW jobber) copied it once by doing the fan pointing thing, rolled his kneepad down, ran for both ropes and dropped a legdrop/kneedrop or something on WCW Saturday Night
  6. Monday Night Raw = Monday Nitro (Even an unoriginal name: pronounce it Monday Night Row)
  7. Flash Funk's Funkettes = Nitro Girls
  8. PMS (Pretty Mean Sisters) = nWo's Tori whatever-her-last-name-is (nWo Hollywood... "lady of the night" who seduced David Flair)
  9. Sable bares all = Tori whatever-her-last-name-is bares all
  10. WWF Owner Vince McMahon brings his son Shane McMahon to the biz = WCW President Ric Flair brings his son into the biz right after
  11. DeGeneration X (small band of misfits) = Raven's Flock (small band of misfits to a lesser extreme)
  12. WWF Hardcore title = WCW's Hardcore title
  13. Any WWF video game = Any WCW video game, but much worse quality
  14. Bob Holly brought racing to WWF = WCW's Motorsports
  15. WWF releases theme music album = WCW releases theme music album
  16. WWF has first celebrity wrestling match at WrestleMania I involving Mr. T and a few other celebrities after = WCW takes celebrities wrestling out of control involving various people who should never be in a wrestling ring, mainly a doll named "Chuckie". Leno I can understand, him being the average WCW age of over 50.
  17. Bret Hart goes on MAD TV with a WWF belt = Bret Hart goes on MAD TV with a WCW belt
  18. Gangrel (vampire with fangs) = El Vampiro (vampire without fangs: couldn't get them, huh?)
  19. If Brian Pillman defeats Goldust, he gets Marlena for 30 days = If Scott Steiner defeats DDP, he gets Kimberly for 30 days
  20. The Mountie's cattle prod = Scott Hall's cattle prod
  21. Bret Hart insults USA & compliments Canada = Lance Storm insults USA & compliments Canada
  22. (Isaiah Bowers) = Arguing commentators = Arguing commentators
  23. (Isaiah Bowers) = Royal Rumble = World War 3
  24. (Isaiah Bowers) = Hell in a Cell = WCW stole it and said they were the first to make a cage with a roof
  25. (Isaiah Bowers) = Jakked/Metal (Jobber show, but they're both the same show with 2 different names) = Saturday Night, WCW Pro (Personally, I, Dark Forsaken, believe all WCW shows are jobber shows)
  26. Ringside Commentators = Ringside Commentators
  27. Ramp on Raw = Ramp on Nitro
  28. (Isaiah Bowers) = Ref with stripes = Ref with stripes
  29. (Isaiah Bowers) = Austin can't touch McMahon without provocation = Hogan can't touch Flair without provocation
  30. (Isaiah Bowers) = Monday Night Raw became Raw is War = Monday Nitro changed format
  31. (Isaiah Bowers) = Undertaker comic = Kevin Nash comic
  32. "Superstar" Billy Graham's beard = "Superstar" Scott Steiner's beard
  33. Too Much's homosexual gimmick = Lenny Lane and Lodi's homosexual gimmick
  34. WWF Attitude in a bottle = WCW cologne
  35. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (face with heel attitude) = Diamond Dallas Page (tries to be face with heel attitude, but he sucks)
  36. Chyna = Asya (Oh, COME ON! Chyna? Asya? China? Asia? It's so pathetic! I'm sorry... no, WCW should be sorry!)
  37. Jobber named MVP (baseball player with a baseball for facepaint) = Jobber named MVP (baseball player with a baseball for facepaint)
  38. (Mad Ben) = Stone Cold Stunner = Diamond Cutter
  39. WWF's slogan: "Where anything can happen" = Copied slogan: "Where anything can happen"
  40. (Isaiah Bowers) = WWF's Corporation (McMahons, Boss Man, Shamrock, Rock, etc.) = WCW's Corporation (Hennig, Creative Control, Luger)
  41. WWF Huge Plastic Action Figures = WCW Huge Plastic Action Figures (Same exact designs, even down to the ring)
  42. Jim Ross = Disgusting act of a person playing as Jim Ross (Oklahoma), making fun of his Bells' Palsy & carrying BBQ sauce
  43. The Rock "Shine it up, turn it sideways" = Hotline ad "Shine it up, turn it sideways"
  44. (XEddieAceX@aol.com) = Shane v.s. Vince = David Flair v.s. Ric Flair
  45. (Alan Grace) = Chyna wins IC title = Madusa wins Cruiserweight title
  46. (XEddieAceX@aol.com) = WWF reunites DX = WCW reunites nWo
  47. (Mark Griffiths) = Godfather = Kanyon
  48. (Mark Griffiths) = Undertaker's entrance (lights go out, bell tolls, lights come on and Undertaker appears) = Midnight's entrance (lights go out, bell tolls, lights come on and Midnight appears)
  49. (Mark Griffiths) = New Age Outlaws (Mr. Ass/Road Dogg) = Old Age Outlaws (Terry Funk/Arn Anderson/Larry Zbysko/Paul Orndorff)
  50. (Mark Griffiths) = Jim Ross/Austin vs. Chyna/HHH = Oklahoma vs. Asya
  51. (Mark Griffiths) = Road Dogg follows Bossman/Al Snow's hardcore title match with a microphone to cover the action = Norman Smiley follows hardcore title matches with a microphone to cover the uh... action
  52. (Isaiah Bowers) = HHH puts makeup on his face saying he was bit by a snake, fakes injury = Bret Hart puts the same makeup on his face, fakes injury
  53. 2 Cool = 3 Count
  54. Raw has Titan Tron with 2 side screens = Nitro has giant screen with 2 side screens
  55. SmackDown has Oval Tron = Thunder has giant screen
  56. The Rock does Rock Bottom = Booker does Rock Bottom
  57. (Isaiah Bowers) = Hardcore Holly = Hard Knocks
  58. Tori's outfit of DX Green top with black hotpants = Kimberly's outfit of DX Green top with black hotpants
  59. McMahon Helmsley New Era = WCW's New Era
  60. (Dean Cherry) = The Rock "The People's Champion" = DDP "People's Champion"
  61. (Dean Cherry) = The Rock's "Do you smell what the Rock is cooking" = Juventude Guerreros "Can you smell what the Juice is cooking"
  62. (Dean Cherry) = The Brooklyn Brawler = Vince Russo's New York/Brooklyn Gimmick
  63. (Dean Cherry) = Mankinds "Boiler Room" = Jerry Flynn's "The Block"
  64. (Dean Cherry) = Al Snow's "Angry Gimmickless Stage" = David Flair's "Angry Has No Gimmick Stage"
  65. (Dean Cherry) = Stevie Richards/Big Show Copying Everyone's Gimmicks = Vampiro Copying Everyone's Gimmicks
  66. (Dave Mosley) = The Rock calls people Jabronies = Jeff Jarret call people Slap Nuts
  67. (Dave Mosley) = Goldust flys into ring from bungy line = Sting drops from top of ring
  68. (Dave Mosley) = DX  breaks up = nWo breaks up
  69. (Dave Mosley) = WWF gets more hardcore = WCW ATTEMPTS to get more hardcore
  70. (Dave Mosley) = WWF makes Hardcore belt look like its been blown up = same thing with WCW's Hardcore Belt
  71. WWF shows graphics for each special match (Hardcore Championship, etc.) = WCW shows graphics for each special match (Hardcore Championship, etc.)
  72. Hardcore title on the line 24/7 = Hardcore title on the line 24/7
  73. The Rock's "Rock Bottom" = Demon's "Love God"
  74. 3 Faces of Mick Foley = Demon is Dale Torborg's "alter ego"
  75. Triple H says, "It's My Time" = Goldberg says, "It's My Time"
  76. Nikolai Volkoff always must sing the Russian National Anthem before matches = Lance Storm always must hear the Canadian National Anthem before matches
  77. Raw's fireworks display (shooting star from ceiling to ramp) = Nitro's fireworks display (shooting star from ceiling to ramp)
  78. Scotty Too Hotty = Kwee Wee
  79. (Rapid Ryan) = Chris Jericho becomes WWF Millenium Man = Sid Vicious becomes WCW Millenium Man
  80. (Rapid Ryan) = HBK lays down for HHH for the European Title (RAW, December 1997) = Nash lays down for Hogan for the WCW Title (Nitro, 1/4/99, in one of the worst wrestling angles ever)
  81. (Freedom Rock) = WWF screws Bret Hart out of the WWF Title at Survivor Series 1997 in the infamous Montreal Screwjob = WCW does a horrible impression of it at Starrcade 1999 by having a stoned-looking Roddy Piper drag himself to the ring and call for the bell as Hart was placing Goldberg in the Sharpshooter, thereby "screwing" Goldberg out of the WCW Title